You know that old saying, "Be careful what you pray for -- you just might get it." (As a side note, let me just say that for years that made me afraid to pray. I was scared that I would phrase something the wrong way and get something from God that was quite contrary to what I had in mind. I know -- it sounds silly. But at the time, I was quite concerned.)
OK with that disclaimer out of the way, I can tell you that I'm learning the real meaning of "Be careful what you pray for -- you just might get it." For the past couple of days I've been following Holley Gerth's blog, "Heart to Heart with Holley" ( and the journey she is leading called, "The Rest of Your Story." It seems to be for people like me -- who think they may have a story God wants us to tell, but don't know how to start -- or won't start.
I've been following along and finally posted a couple of comments, including the information about this blog. (I'm probably the only person out here in cyberspace with a blog they've told almost no one about. If I tell my friends, they may read it. Too scarey.)
I've been praying for clarity about writing. The "Be Careful What You Pray For - You Just Might Get It" kind of prayer. My last post drew a comment from Holley. She read my words and sent me a note of encouragement! I emailed her to thank her -- I think.
Bottom line: I wasn't careful enough when I prayed. I got what I asked for -- clarity. Now what do I do?
Still listening,
ReplyDeleteThat is beautiful! May God bless you on your journey!
Cindy Lou
Hi Carol,
ReplyDeleteYou sound so much like me! I started my journey (blog) to keep up with myself and now I'm letting my friends know where I am on my journey.
May God give you clarity as you find yourself "listening" to what He is saying.
Keep up the great work and tell HisStory for your life.
Hi Carol, I started my blog mostly for me. It sounds like you and Eugenia and I (and surely others) are in the same boat. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I started last summer, I didn't even know why I needed/wanted a blog. I'm still not sure where it's leading me, but I do know that I'm enjoying the journey. Even those scary days when I say "out loud" what I'm thinking and link up to places where others might find my thoughts laid out for anyone to see.
Keep listening! And thank you for being brave enough to share with us!
Hi Carol! So happy you've decided to jump into the deep end with the rest of us...I dare say you'll find alot of support out here in blogland! I'll be following your blog from now on so your readership is growing dear one!
ReplyDeleteHi Carol,
ReplyDeleteIt appears we are fellow travelers on this journey. I believe that as we work through these steps the Lord will make very clear the way He would have us go. After all, He has a wonderful plan for each of our lives.
I love this because I know I am not alone. I too had a hard time starting my blog & writing. What will people think? But, I just kept writing anyway because my heart was heavy with the things I needed to say. I felt like I was going to burst. There was a time, recently, where I thought about stopping & then all of the sudden I had followers...that I never met. See now I can't shut up! Keep writing! :)
ReplyDeleteCarol, I also started another blog years ago and kept it completely anonymous! You've already done more than I did at first by having your name and pic! Just keep moving one word at a time from your heart to the keyboard. It gets less scary each time. (Well, I say that but I still shake in my boots every time a new post goes up! Ha!) You're already brave, you've already got courage, you're already on your way...
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about having it be "scary" for others to read your words! I've definitely been there and still go there sometimes! I'm so glad you've stepped out and are joining in on this journey--I'm excited to see where God will take you and all that He will show you!