Thursday, February 4, 2010

TX to AK

As I said a while back, Jim and I moved here to Alaska from Texas. Did I tell you that I love Texas? I do! It’s just the most amazing, incredibly beautiful place. 

Did I tell you that Alaskans don’t like Texans?  It’s true. I can’t understand it. Yes, in Texas, we love to say that “Everything is bigger and better.” And, of course, it is true that Alaska is just a tiny bit bigger than Texas. OK – so maybe a lot bigger. Alaskans love to say, “If you Texans get too ‘uppity,’ Alaska will divide in half and Texas will be the third largest state.”

Cute – very funny – Not.

Here's what I don’t understand. Why is it that Alaskans always feel the need to compare their state with Texas? I saw a T-shirt that, paraphrased, said, “Alaska – Disgruntling Texans for 50 Years!”

Was that really necessary?

Why not just celebrate that Alaska, like Texas, is an amazing, incredibly beautiful place?

Come to think of it, why do I compare myself with other people? Why don’t I just celebrate the person God created me to be?

Hmmm… I need to think about that. I think I have some listening to do.


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