Monday, February 8, 2010

Romans 12

I experienced Romans 12 in an overwhelming way yesterday.  The good little Southern girl in me wants to say that God used me in a small way.  That's the humble thing to say.  But the point is that God used me.  It's up to Him whether it was in a small way or a big way. 

And only time may tell anyway.  As I listened to someone's story, I heard about someone else who reached out to this individual in what appeared to be a small way but it turned out to be instrumental in this individual's journey.  The person who reached out may never know.  As my pastor says, God is always ahead of us.  He knows what will happen and puts the people in place we will need just when we need them.

As I'm writing this, I'm listening to Third Day sing, "I've Always Loved You."  If only we would remember just how much He loves us.

We are all part of each other's story.  We may never know if we played a major role or just a small "walk-on" part.  That's up to God.  We just have to be available when He gives us the cue to play our part.

Still listening . . .

Friday, February 5, 2010


I've been "talking" through this blog.  Now I want to ask a question and listen to you.  I've been caught up in Romans 12 for quite a while.  Most people think of that chapter in reference to spiritual gifts and how we can use them in service to each other.  I'm stuck on verse 3. 

How do you interpret that?

While you're thinking about that, check out this week's Heart to Heart with Holley ( especially yesterday and today.

Still listening . . .

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TX to AK

As I said a while back, Jim and I moved here to Alaska from Texas. Did I tell you that I love Texas? I do! It’s just the most amazing, incredibly beautiful place. 

Did I tell you that Alaskans don’t like Texans?  It’s true. I can’t understand it. Yes, in Texas, we love to say that “Everything is bigger and better.” And, of course, it is true that Alaska is just a tiny bit bigger than Texas. OK – so maybe a lot bigger. Alaskans love to say, “If you Texans get too ‘uppity,’ Alaska will divide in half and Texas will be the third largest state.”

Cute – very funny – Not.

Here's what I don’t understand. Why is it that Alaskans always feel the need to compare their state with Texas? I saw a T-shirt that, paraphrased, said, “Alaska – Disgruntling Texans for 50 Years!”

Was that really necessary?

Why not just celebrate that Alaska, like Texas, is an amazing, incredibly beautiful place?

Come to think of it, why do I compare myself with other people? Why don’t I just celebrate the person God created me to be?

Hmmm… I need to think about that. I think I have some listening to do.
