Friday, January 29, 2010

Thank You

Wow!  You guys have been such a source of encouragement for me today.  I don't know what to say except "Thank You!"  You are so sweet to take time not only to read this but post a comment. 

Thanks to you, I'm almost brave enough to let a few more people know about this blog.  We'll see . . .

More importantly, you are definitely answering my prayer for clarity -- even if it might not be the answer I was hoping for.

Still listening . . .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Be Careful What You Pray For"

You know that old saying, "Be careful what you pray for -- you just might get it."  (As a side note, let me just say that for years that made me afraid to pray.  I was scared that I would phrase something the wrong way and get something from God that was quite contrary to what I had in mind.  I know -- it sounds silly.  But at the time, I was quite concerned.)

OK with that disclaimer out of the way, I can tell you that I'm learning the real meaning of "Be careful what you pray for -- you just might get it."  For the past couple of days I've been following Holley Gerth's blog, "Heart to Heart with Holley" ( and the journey she is leading called, "The Rest of Your Story."  It seems to be for people like me -- who think they may have a story God wants us to tell, but don't know how to start -- or won't start. 

I've been following along and finally posted a couple of comments, including the information about this blog.  (I'm probably the only person out here in cyberspace with a blog they've told almost no one about.  If I tell my friends, they may read it.  Too scarey.) 

I've been praying for clarity about writing.  The "Be Careful What You Pray For - You Just Might Get It" kind of prayer.  My last post drew a comment from Holley.   She read my words and sent me a note of encouragement!  I emailed her to thank her -- I think. 

Bottom line:  I wasn't careful enough when I prayed.  I got what I asked for -- clarity.  Now what do I do?

Still listening,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Elvis, Pink and M&M's

It's been a while since I've posted here.  I could say it's because I've been busy with life and work.  And that would be absolutely true.  Have I mentioned how much I love my job?  I do.  It's been super busy lately and I love that.  However, I'm not absolutely sure that's the reason I haven't posted anything lately. 

For a while now, I've felt like God has been leading me to write a book.  He has blessed me so much, but I know it isn't just for me -- I need to share those blessings with others.  If I won't tell my story -- His story -- how will He receive the glory? 

But there's a problem.  I'm an intensely private person.  I don't mind that people know I love Elvis, pink and M&M's; but I probably won't let you know much more.  That makes it hard to write a personal story.

So I thought I would make it easy on myself and start with a blog.  Not so easy.  People could read this.  I'm OK with strangers reading it, but people I know?  Ouch!  Not sure I'm ready for that. 

So I've come up with a thousand reasons (excuses) not to write anything more here.

Not sure what will happen next.

Still listening . . .

Monday, January 4, 2010

A Day Off

I'm looking at the clock.  As I write this, it is about 3 in the afternoon on my day off.  I have been encouraged to stop working six days a week.  So in addition to Saturday, I am now taking off on Mondays.

I never thought of myself as a workaholic.  Don't misunderstand -- I've always worked a lot, but never by choice.  I've just always had jobs that required a lot of extra hours. 

I still don't think of myself as a workaholic, but I do work a lot of hours -- but this time, it's by choice.  I love my job!

I guess that's why it's just after 3 on my day off -- and I finally stopped working for the day.  Well, at least I'm taking a break.  We'll see how long it lasts.  But give me credit -- I am at home.  My cat is happy.

Still listening . . .

Saturday, January 2, 2010


OK – we’ve established that Jim and I moved here from Texas. We’ve been here over a year now. Slowly I’m changing my wardrobe to fit the casual lifestyle here. Don’t get me wrong – I love it. It’s great to wear jeans all the time – even to church. (You don’t see jeans much on a Sunday morning in Texas.)

Here’s the problem. I love my shoes. Maybe “love” is too strong of a word. I am very fond of my shoes. I have all these pairs of cute little dress shoes – and absolutely no reason to wear them.

That’s especially true of the sandals and the heels. Alaska is snowy about six months of the year. I’ve adapted to the cold weather really well – much better than most people expected. However, I’m still not ready for flipflops or sandals in snow. (Some women do that here. Bravo for them. Not me – not yet anyway). And there’s no way I’m trying heels on ice. I see women brave enough for that. Not me. I break too easily. Seriously – shoulder, ankle, wrist – enough is enough. (And all that was on dry ground in Texas – not slushy, slippery, icy ground in Alaska.)

No, I’m being more practical – choosing shoes for the kind of tread they have, not for the cute little bow on top.

But what about the shoes already in my closet? What do I do with them? They are so cute! I just can’t seem to part with them. I might go somewhere, sometime when I’ll need the perfect pair of charcoal gray tweed and black patent ballet slippers.

Until then, I’ll just keep stepping over them to get to The North Face snow boots – the ones with the tread designed to take snow, slush, and ice.

Still listening . . .

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day One

Happy New Year!  Don't you love the first day of a new year?  It's just so full of possibilities.  That's the reason I always liked the first day of school.  Who would I meet?  What would I accomplish?  

My name is Carol.  I was born and raised in Texas.  I expected to live there always -- unless maybe I got the chance to work at Graceland -- which would have been an absolute dream come true!  (Yes, I am a huge Elvis Presley fan!)

But -- surprise!  My husband and I moved to Alaska in 2008!  How we got here is a long story, but a good one.  I'm sure you'll read more about it here.

God gave me a passion for writing.  I write about everything -- what I'm thinking, feeling, trying to understand.  And, very often, I write while I'm praying.  

I'm still unpacking boxes from our move here -- some that were never unpacked in our last house.  I found one of those boxes yesterday -- a box that had some of my earliest written prayers.  It was such a blessing to read those.  

In those prayers, I asked God for something.  He didn't answer that prayer for a long time.  Sometimes I thought He wasn't listening.  But I realize now that the timing just wasn't right.  There's a reason people say "God's timing is always perfect."  It is.  When the time was right, God answered that prayer -- and in a more amazing way than I ever could have imagined.  You'll probably read more about that here.

I should explain the title of this blog -- Listening.  It's something I learned from my pastor.  You'll read more about that, too.

Thank you for reading this and taking this journey with me.  

Still listening,